Sunday, December 4, 2022

DOI Registration Statistics and Data Usage Metrics

This post describes where to find and access information on the evolution of DOI registrations for CMIP6 and input4MIPs and the papers referencing this data.

1. DOI Registration Statistics:

This information contains the evolution of the number of registered DOIs per project (CMIP6, input4MIPs) and the number of metadata updates sent to DataCite. DataCite Commons provides additional statistical information for the ESGF repository.

a. Statistics provided by the Citation Service:


b. API provided by the Citation Service: 

c. Statistics provided by DataCite Commons:

2. Data Usage Metrics:

This information contains the evolution of the number of papers and data products citing CMIP6 and input4MIPs data. It is based on the Scholix interface of OpenAire (http://www.scholix.org Please note, that the provided information is incomplete because of the ongoing culture change in data citation: Not every author formally cites the data and includes the data DOI references in the reference list though many publishers have added this to their Author Guidelines. Secondly, not all publishers publish these data references as part of the metadata to crossref.

a. Data Usage Metrics provided by the Citation Service:

b. API for Data Usage Metrics provided by the Citation Service: